Hello. I'm Jen, a User Experience researcher. Currently I am leading UX Research for Android Wear, Google's wearables software platform.
Research Methods
Usability studies, cognitive walkthroughs, survey design, heuristic evaluation, field research, interviews, affinity diagramming, card sorts, RITE, literature reviews.
I've been at Google since 2011. I lead a small research team for Android Wear and we evaluate everything from software to hardware. Prior to Wear I led the research effort for material design at Google. Prior to that, I did research for the Search team, specifically around personal search queries.
I completed my M.Sc. in the Department of Computing Science at the University of British Columbia. I was a member of the Imager Lab and my supervisors were Kellogg S. Booth and Alan K. Mackworth. For my thesis work, I collaborated closely with Ronald Kellett and Cynthia Girling of the elementsLab in the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at UBC.
I completed my B.Sc. (Honors) at Simon Fraser University with a major in Computing Science, a minor in Mathematics, and a Certificate of Liberal Arts. I spent two summers at SFU conducting research thanks to two NSERC USRAs I received, one with Greg Mori and the other with Stella Atkins.